We offer all the Popular Nutrient lines and even a lot that are hidden gems among the industry. We carry every option of soil and growing medium. We have pot sizes from a pint to 1000 gallons, tents for the personal grower, greenhouse kits for the outdoor enthusiast, and every option in between. Let us help in any way that we can and we will respect the growing style you have, the product you are trying to create, and preserve the fun of it by keeping our prices low.
We are a 5th generation family farm. For over 150 years, our family has raised crops and animals on this patch of the prairie. Over the years, the crops change, the animals change, and practices change. Wisdom is passed down from one generation to the next. Wisdom gained through both success and failures. Each generation strives to absorb that wisdom and push forward; to improve production and techniques while leaving the land and soil in better shape than when you started. These are challenging tasks with ever-changing goals, rooted in constant learning.
Sunrae farms is a single source regenerative farm. Our focus is on seeds, clones, regenerative sun grown concentrates and flower.
We are Pecky's Organic Titans or as some know us by P.O.T. We are a family of cannabis caregivers that own and operate a animal rescue and rehabilitation farm, and strive on complete Organic plant medicine! We also work very closely with vets, service members, and those less fortunate with whatever they may need! Our mission is to give back any way we can! We can be found on Google just type our name in the search bar and it will take you straight to our social media platforms where you can see our Farm and our mission! We welcome you to reach out and say high! Our moto is it's always 420 here 💚🥴💨